Thursday, 11 November 2010

Salvation Is Here


This is the message I can give you if you are suffering from erectile dysfunction. Most men will suffer from this condition at some point during their lives. There can also be a related issue with premature ejaculation.

"Erectile dysfunction is also known as impotence and is the inability to achieve or sustain an erection for sexual activity to take place. It affects around one in 10 men adding up to around 2.3 million men in the UK and has a number of causes, both physical and psychological. There is a variety of treatment options available and for the majority of men, one of these will be successful." BUPA's health information team, July 2009.

Self-help is available in this guide Mr. Manpowers Guide to Overall Manhood Enhancement While the focus is on enhancing your natural size many of the underlying issues of erectile dysfunction are addressed. In the privacy of your own home you can explore these self-help techniques without the side-effects often associated with pills, medicines and devices.

Half of all men over 40 will suffer from erectile dysfunction at some point in their lives.And it becomes more common and severe as men get older. However, only about one man in 10 seeks help. While this condition is non-life threatening it can certainly affect the quality of your life and especially the quality of your intimate relationships.

Get this guide now and begin to get greater joy in your love life and words (and sounds) of greater joy from your intimate partner.Mr. Manpowers Guide to Overall Manhood Enhancement.

There are several causes of erectile dysfunction such as physical problems affecting the blood supply. This alone affects three-quarters of men who have erectile dysfunction. As with many conditions there is a complex relationship between the physical and psychological aspects of sexual function. For instance, you may have physical health problems that cause psychological distress and this may have an additional effect on erection problems.

Your Physical Health
A number of conditions may cause impotence, including:
  • hormone imbalances such as hypogonadism which causes low levels of testosterone
  • high blood pressure
  • high cholesterol
  • diabetes
  • obesity
  • surgery (such as an operation to remove your prostate gland) or radiation in your pelvic area
Various PSYCHOLOGICAL  problems can influence your ability to get and keep erections.
These include:
  • feeling anxious, guilty or depressed
  • stress at work
  • partner conflicts
  • unresolved issues about sexual orientation
  • sexual boredom
Your LIFESTYLE is prehaps the biggest contributor to erectile dysfunction.
  • Drinking too much alcohol. In the longer term, it interferes with the production of testosterone, which can reduce your libido.
  • Smoking damages your blood vessels. There is also anecdotal evidence suggesting that regular cannabis use can cause impotence.
  • Poor cardiovascular fitness from being physically inactive contributes to, and may increase your risk of impotence. Impotence may be an early warning sign that you're at risk of coronary heart disease (when the arteries that go to your heart are narrowed).
Many men need greater tactile stimulation as they get older. You may want to consider a change in sexual foreplay and technique to ensure a sustained erection. This is a great way to involve your partner - after all both of you will get greater joy at the outcome and have some increased fun along the way.

A healthier lifestyle may prevent your impotence getting worse and even put you on the path to recovery. The following changes can help.

  • Stop smoking.
  • Lose excess weight.
  • Take moderate-intensity exercise (so you feel warm and slightly out of breath) for half an hour on most days of the week.
  • Eat a balanced diet, including at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Cut down on salty foods and sugary drinks.
  • Drink alcohol in moderation. Using illegal drugs may also cause impotence. Stop using them.
  • Aim to reduce stress in your life.
  • If you have diabetes, make sure that you control your blood sugar levels properly.
Mr. Manpowers Guide to Overall Manhood Enhancement will be of great benefit to you.

Articles have been written by many men who have been affected by erectile dysfunction and have found that an exercise regime is greatly beneficial. An improvement in penis size is an added bonus!!!!

You Can Increase Penis Size Naturally With Easy Step By Step Exercises by James R. Mandelson

We have all been told about different things that can enlarge our small member. Some men have attempted various techniques but found them to be ineffective. It's possible these men picked options that were not natural (going under the knife or pumps). We want to explain how you can increase penis size naturally with easy step by step exercises. These very effective exercise routines can add 1-3 inches fast with a no.1 rated program.

The truth is that it's probably in your best interests to avoid surgery or pumps, these things can cause damage and they rarely produce good results. So many men have completed male enhancement by applying simple step by step exercise routines. These are easy and can work really fast providing you carry out all instructions correctly and with regularity.

This top program teaches you very effective penis stretching techniques. It explains all warm - up routines, and then goes into sophisticated hand movements that can add inches to your small member fast. These movements have been designed to stretch your penis ligaments in a safe and gradual manner. If you follow all the instructions properly there can be no reason why your organ cannot increase in size.

Cardiovascular Exercises
Again this no.1 rated program explains the affects that regular cardiovascular exercises can have on increasing organ size fast. Taking up regular fitness exercise can be so fundamentally essential to increase size down there. These types of intense training routines send healthy blood gushing into all areas of your body including the male organ. This keeps away infections and other diseases that might hinder penis enlargement.

Correct Nutrition
Some men might not know this but having the correct balanced nutrition can be very effective when it comes down to male enhancement. If you consume fatty foods or take excessive alcohol then the chances are very high that your testosterone and libido levels will take a dive. That cannot be good news as testosterone is the main male hormone that propels and fuels our sexuality. This top rated program can help you will controlling your craving for the wrong food and get you thinking healthy nutrition.

Many men have tried this top rated natural exercise and found the results were very effective and fast. It's possible to witness extra inches within a few months, these gains are permanent and there is no need to carry on with your exercises after you have reached your desired size.
Want to try the cheapest AND most effective method of FAST penis enlargement? How would you like to permanently ENLARGE YOUR PENIS by as much as 1-3 inches in LESS than 8 weeks (from the comfort of your own home)?
===> Visit to find out how you can get started right NOW! <=== REMEMBER: This AWARD WINNING penis exercise program is safe, effective and PROVEN to work (1000's of men worldwide can't be wrong!)
Article Source:

You Can Potentially Add Up To 4 Inches To Your Size by Anthony Sciuto

Did you know that you can increase your penis size up to 7-9 inches and greatly enhance the quality of your sex life (intensified orgasms, explosive ejaculation, etc.), but without dangerous male enhancement options? Read on to learn more.

Unfortunately for me when I first got started with penis enlargement, I ended up trying out those crazy pumps, enlargement pills, and extenders. Not only did I not receive any significant results, I also wound up with side-effects (pain, scarring, blisters)!

Pills do not work because they are nothing more than a placebo effect. The companies that manufacture these pills claim that they will increase blood flow into your penile chambers. There has been cases of men reporting a slightly harder erection with taking pills, but a very large percentage (including myself) who have used pills do not receive any significant growth. Also, the ingredients contained in pills do not react well in your body and will bring about side-effects.

Pumps and extenders are nothing more than a temporary method that provides a slightly harder erection by pulling in more blood flow through a "pumping action". I strongly recommend that you avoid those types of contraptions by all means necessary because all they are going to do is cause you pain and some of them can cause serious side-effects such as developing Peyronie's disease, impotence, blood circulation problems with your penile chambers, and so much more!

One of the best and most natural options that works well to increase your penis size, and what has worked well for me and many other men are natural penis exercises. Penis exercises naturally expand the penile chambers (Corpora Cavernosa and Corpus Spongiosum) to significantly make your penis bigger, they will also regulate blood flow to your penile chambers (by strengthening your PC muscle) which will make your orgasms more intense and will also make your erections harder.

The bottom line is that if you want to naturally grow bigger and improve your sexual performance at the same time, BUT, not at the expense of developing side-effects, feeling pain, not receiving significant results, not receiving permanent results, and spending a ton of money, then it's imperative that you consider a natural option such as penile chamber exercises.

If you can stay consistent with doing exercise routines on a daily basis (they take just about 10 minutes a day to do), and if you avoid doing anything unnatural plus avoid being too aggressive with the exercise routines, then you can potentially add up to 4 inches to your size within 1-3 months...for good.

Are you ready to Enlarge Your Penis FAST, grow longer and thicker in weeks, and give your significant other INSANE orgasms? Well, I highly recommend the Penis Advantage exercise program! This award winning program is safe, effective, permanent, and you can download everything INSTANTLY (no embarrassing stops at a store or packages to receive)! I went from 5.5 inches to 7.5 inches in 8 weeks with this powerful program!
>> For more information, go to to learn more!
WARNING: This program is EXTREMELY effective, and I highly recommend you stop the program for 48-72 hours if you begin to grow more than an inch in a weeks time.
Article Source:

You Are The Master Of Your Own Penis Size  by Jack Pertofinos

If you want to increase your penis size permanently, the only way you are going to ever do it is by making yourself larger with natural exercises. That is the one method on planet earth that works. Everything else is a total scam.

What exactly are penis exercises and how do they work, they sound a little odd?
If they sound unfamiliar to you, that is not a surprise, because the pill, extenders, and pump companies do not promote them, because they are crushing their business to death. You see, hand exercises are a technique that allow you to get permanently larger and have nothing to do with pills or extenders, or any other odd device. All they use is your own hands, lubrication, and some water to warm up with. That is absolutely it, you are the master of your own penis size destiny with these. They work by applying specific forces down the main shaft of your penis to increase girth and length.

What types of size gains are men getting when they do these?
1, 2, and 3 inch gains can occur. If you are 6 inches you can go to 7. That is pretty common. If you are already huge at 8 inches, you can hit 9. Some men do not think that these are worth their time if they are not going to gain past an inch. That is not the case at all. Even an inch is a very large gain. Looking at average penis size charts will show you just how large of a gain they in fact provide for you.

75% of men are between 4.75-6.5 inches long. The rest are below or above that level. Only about 10% of guys have a seven inch or larger erection size. Even fewer men have 8 inch size. Just around 5 percent or less of men are that large. 9 inch size is down into the 2-3% range. You can now understand how something that sounds like a little gain, like 1 inch, is actually a monstrous increase, that every woman will absolutely notice as being longer and thicker than the average man.
I used the penis exercises at to add 1 inch of length to my penis and a quarter inch of girth in 2 months, and I'm still going for more!
Click here to join me and other guys who are moving into the rare 7 and 8 inch erection category that only 10% of men have. Don't be small any longer, you are going to lose women!
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